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Currently occurring:

Philippines Fundraiser

Spring 2024

Starting in March and continuing until the end of Spring 2024, the Incognito Press is raising funds for students in the Philippines who are going to or are currently in college. The goal is to empower students, provide financial relief, and promote education for lower-income individuals. Click on the attached link for a sample letter sent to sponsors and interested organizations and individuals.

Piles of Books

Currently occurring:

Poetry Month

April 1st - April 30th, 2024

This April, the Incognito Press is taking inspiration from the United States' National Poetry Month, celebrating the art of poetry, its history, and the trailblazers of the medium everywhere.


This month, the Incognito Press is proud to provide our community with inspiration, challenges, and resources to support poets everywhere. If you have any inquiries or would like to contribute, please email

How We Want to Help You!

Here's our collection of resources, lists, and prompts! Take inspiration as you wish.

Reading a Book

Our most recent event:

National Novel Writing Month

november 1st - november 30th, 2023

Every year, writers from all corners of the globe take part in National Novel Writing Month, aiming to write 50,000 words in just 30 days. 


While NaNoWriMo became an official organization in 2006, we've decided to support writers taking part in this challenge, especially newer writers. Your writer journey starts here! Feel free to use our resources to your advantage. 

How We Want to Help You!

The Incognito Press has divided our time into three categories to help writers. Here they are:

Created 2021 - The Incognito Press

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