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Women in Afghanistan, Equality for All

Writer's picture: Stephanie Stephanie

An op-ed about women in Afghanistan and personal experience.

Written by Andrea, @infintewolfgamer, one of our current world events and opinion writers, and edited by Udita, @wilde_woolf, one of our editors!

What is Equality?

It’s hard finding the right words to start this piece, but I feel it needs to be said. So I’ll start with a question: What does equality mean to you?

I get that, as someone who is only 15, you may not think I have much to say about the matter of growing up as a girl. However, the fact is, nobody has the same experiences, so I believe we can all learn from each other. I believe we can all empower each other. To move forward, we need to support each other now more than ever.

From my own experience, I believe being a girl, or woman, shouldn’t hold you back in any way.

Personally, I think I was really lucky. I’ve never felt ashamed or at a disadvantage because of being a girl. I was able to grow up in a society where people are actively fighting for equality. I got to go to school and gain the same qualifications as everyone else. When I’m older, I get to apply for a job that I’ve always wanted (being an officer in the Royal Navy), which I know is one that until recently, was a male-dominated profession. So I feel like change has happened.

What's Happening with Women in Afghanistan?

Yet, a ton of change still needs to happen. There has been a lot of media coverage about the crisis in Afghanistan at the moment, and how poorly the women and girls are being treated. Just because they’re women and girls. This is 2021, the age where girls are allowed to choose who they want to marry, choose their jobs, and have more freedom than ever.

Except, sadly, this isn’t the same everywhere across the world, as we’ve recently witnessed. I’m constantly educating myself on the matter, and I recommend you do the same, but I still know how awful and saddening this was for me.

Final Thoughts

There is so much that’s changed when it comes to women’s rights, especially since the suffrage movement, but I still know there’s a lot of change that needs to happen, so I want to leave you all with a message.

Girls, be PROUD of who you are. Never be afraid of anything, just because it’s not a typically ‘girly’ thing, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Remember that you deserve every opportunity, and you are valid, appreciated, and doing some good in the world!

Boys, I want you to know that you are just as appreciated, and always will be. Feminism doesn’t make you any less significant, and you should never be ashamed or shy away from the subject. All I ask is that you support everyone in your life - your friends, your partners. As someone who has grown up with best friends who are boys, I know that you are able to include and appreciate us!

Because that’s what we’re aiming for.

That’s what equality means to me.

It means - Everyone.


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