Astrology Weekly
Updated: Jul 3, 2021
June 6th-12th, 2021

Author's Note:
I'm not all-knowing (wish I was), just here to educate and give my personal opinion and advice that I think correlates with the placements of the planets in order to create the best possible scenarios & versions of ourselves. Thank you for supporting me!
Main Events
June 10th- Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Gemini
The new moon is on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. With the full moon bringing endings, the new moon opens up beginnings. Seeing that it is another eclipse, the energy is typically chaotic (which may leave you a bit curious), but with a more positive note, something that brings fresh, good change. New ways of expressing yourself, improving your social status, and moving forward are the themes this solar eclipse, all relating to the themes of Gemini.
Weekly Moon Phase
June 6-8th: Waning Crescent in Taurus
June 9-11th: New Moon in Gemini
June 12th: Waxing Crescent in Cancer
Current Planetary Zodiacs: (big 5)
Sun in Gemini- we become more sociable, intelluctual, and a bit more chatty! Our energies are everywhere, and we have a burning curiousity about the world.
Mercury in Gemini- Mercury is at home in Gemini. Communication is energized, and we take interest in many topics instead of delving into just one. We also tend to argue more.
Venus in Gemini: Some people consider this placement as a player. That's not necessarily the case, but I would say that flings come and go. Attractions begin with words, puns, and being fun in general. Romantic and socially, we want it all!
Mars in Leo: Mars transitions into Leo on June 11th. This placement brings pride (just in time, huh), confidence, and grandieur. We know what we want, but we don't think about the consequences to get it. Passions are at a peak, we want results, and fast.
Important Aspects:
-Mercury Retrograde: not necessarily an aspect, yet something to note!
**Has been in Retrograde since May 29th
Mercury Retrograde is a known buzzword in the astrology community. Usually, this time period brings unplanned and unpleasant surprises. Anything that deals with communication, speed, travel, even techonology, is affected, usually negatively. It is not the best time for any new buisness plans, any NEW plans for that matter, yet is optimal for self-reflection and how to proceed with your goals and aspirations. Once Mercury Retrograde ends, you can start your plans.
-Venus trine Saturn: June 8th- brings a need for creativity, enjoyment, style, and comfort, especially since the Moon is transitioning out of Taurus. It's easy to look for comfort, and indulge in our pleasures. However, the Moon enters Gemini, leading us to become more social and talkative with others, so if that brings you security, good for you!
Drink some water, and stay safe out there! <333
Source: I get the full chart of the week here!