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Ruling Planets And Why They Matter

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Mars, edited by Stephanie O.

Most people interested in astrology know by now the holy trinity of ‘The Big Three’: your sun sign, your moon sign and your rising sign. We understand that your rising sign (also know as your “ascendant”) sets up your entire birth chart; it is the very beginning, how we first perceive things, and it usually shows how others first perceive us. We embody our rising sign’s energy deeply but what about the planet that rules the sign? And why does this matter?

First, let’s get to know our planetary rulers:

Aries and Scorpio: Mars Taurus and Libra: Venus Gemini and Virgo: Mercury Cancer: The Moon Leo: The Sun Sagittarius and Pisces: Jupiter Capricorn and Aquarius: Saturn

These are the traditional planetary rulers for each sign. Some of the modern rulers are slightly different, assigning Pluto as Scorpio’s ruler, Uranus as ruler of Aquarius and Neptune as ruler of Pisces.

Each planet rules over different themes, topics, and areas of life. Let’s say you are a Leo Rising; your chart ruler is the Sun. You would want to look at where the Sun is in your chart – let’s say it’s in Aquarius in the 5th house – to help you understand more about the sort of energy and themes that are amplified in your birth chart. If you have other planets or strong aspects in this house, these may also be strengthened as they are in the house of your chart ruler.

Understanding our chart ruler can help us as we embody our birth chart and begin to work with our natural cosmic talent, skills, what brings us to life, what brings us joy, passion and where our ambitions are focused. The ruler and its energy don’t have to link to a soul’s purpose as such,although it certainly can do that, but it could point you in the direction of your values, getting to know what these are, and living by them. I am a Scorpio Rising, meaning I am ruled by Mars: the planet of war, aggression, activity, energy, and courage. My Mars in Pisces in the 5th house suggests the ‘main’ themes of my birth chart are linked to ambition (Mars) around healing and spirituality (Pisces) through artistic expression or working with children or young people (5th house). And so forth…

As always, our birth charts are complex and intricate. We can look to many parts of our charts for deeper understanding of who we are, what we want, and how we can use our strengths for the collective good whilst working on the parts of ourselves we would rather reject or forget. Every placement has a lesson to teach us in this lifetime.



This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ).

Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!

This piece was edited by our editor-in-chief, Stephanie O.


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