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This Week in Astrology: May 15th-21st

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Kate, edited by Willow

This week is like the tail of the fiery comet of Taurus’s solar eclipse on April 30th and will continue to radiate its dynamic energy. The pulsing ‘bull at a gate’ rhythm of the Taurus season, which may have made you feel as if you had to unleash your inner matador or rodeo rider to cope with the challenges facing you in life’s arena, ushers in the calmer Gemini season on May 20th-21st as combustible cosmic forces cool off to a more steady simmer.

However, don’t fly too near the Sun this week as you may still get your fingers burned by the potentially explosive transition of Jupiter into Aries on May 10th. Keep this awareness on the back burner as this phase continues until Summer draws to a close around October 28th.

Although this is a time that may ignite your inner spark, there is a risk of adding fuel to the fire and forcing events to blow up in your face. Do your best to resist the urge to charge ahead with summertime projects before May 20th-21st, as it would be a shame to waste your valuable energy firefighting once things get out of control.

Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse: May 15th-16th

This week gets an intense jumpstart with a full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th-16th. This is a Total Full Moon Eclipse imbued with transformative energy, made even more powerful by the Blood Moon event, aptly named for its reddish glow at the Eclipse’s peak.

Eclipses symbolize both closure and new beginnings. They can lead to the death of old selves and habits and the emergence of long-hidden truths, information and enhanced self-awareness. This may make you uncomfortable or unsettled initially, so it may be a wise precaution to remain grounded during this time.

Blood Moon Eclipses amplify this impact to a deep intuitive level, as if they are laying our souls bare, ready to cast aside outgrown habits and preparing us to embrace a higher level of consciousness where what has been hiding in the dark emerges into the light.

Falling under the sign of Scorpio, a sign known for its regenerative powers, this Eclipse may take us to certain deep places within ourselves and, as a result, raise painful emotions. This has strong parallels with Dark Goddess myths and the message that trusting and harnessing our inner potential will see us through uncertainty.

We use our own light to guide ourselves from this labyrinth of uncertainty and confusion, as the Phoenix arises from the ashes of the fire which consumed it. Be assured that this phase is only temporary. The aftermath of the Eclipse will bring you new clarity and energy.

Sun aligns with Algol and Pleiades: May 16th and May 20th-21st

This transformative phase is further enhanced by the alignment of the star Algol and the Sun on May 16th. Algol represents the attainment of a new state of awareness after a period of profound change. As the Sun aligns with the Pleiades on May 20th, which also symbolizes regeneration, the end of this week gives rise to a fresh start: Gemini season on May 20th-21st.

Start of Gemini Season: May 20th-21st

You may feel a little battered after the recent intensity of cosmic events as the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th-21st. As an Air sign, Gemini allows us to breathe more freely and regroup. This effect is enhanced with the slight depletion of energy caused by Mercury’s firepower in retrograde.

This week is a crucial tipping point, which will allow anything which has been held in the balance or any suppressed urges to emerge and blossom in the form of spontaneous natural change and growth. So do not worry if you have held back until now as keeping a level head has created a stable base for a flourishing and productive Gemini season.

This is the ideal time to initiate conversations, socialize, improvise and experiment with fresh starts and projects. Mercury in retrograde may lead to some temporary setbacks. But this is the chance to learn from the reflective inner work we have undertaken during the powerful Eclipse period.

Gemini, the sign of the Twins, reminds us that we have a dual nature: earthly and spiritual. This is a phase when we can take the opportunity to balance the two. Aside from basking in the steady warmth of the Gemini Sun, this can be a period of fruitful ventures, positive contact, and personal growth.


This piece was written by one of our astrology columnists.

Reach them at @DrKMC on Instagram!

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Willow.

Reach them at @oldmanheart on Instagram!


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