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Special Edition: Astrology During the Holidays

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

Written by Mars, @marsbarsandstars, and edited by Meg, @megtpoetry, and Stephanie

Welcome to your astrological forecast! We are finishing up Sagittarius season; a slightly more subdued and quieter version this year due to the ongoing pandemic. Capricorn season begins on 21st December 2021, the day of the Winter Solstice, the perfect energy we need in order to get serious about our New Year resolutions, affirmations, and manifestations.

This Week's Moon Calendar
  • Sunday, December 19th: The Full Moon in Gemini will be in full force on Sunday 19th December.

  • Tuesday-Wednesday, December 21st-22nd: The moon is entering its Waning Gibbous phase on Tuesday/Wednesday in Cancer and then Leo.

  • Saturday-Sunday, December 25th-26th: The moon is moving into Virgo on Saturday and the Last Quarter phase on Sunday 26th.

This Month's Moon Calendar

Christmas Eve is a Leo Moon and Christmas Day is a Virgo Moon, perfect for flamboyant celebrations on the 24th followed by a Virgo go-get-'em attitude on Christmas Day ensuring the day runs smoothly.

This Week's Planetary Zodiacs

Sun: The Sun is in Sagittarius until December 21st; we may feel more confident, wiser, and lighter as we navigate this carefree energy. However, that’s all about to change when we enter Capricorn season on the 21st December. Seriously think about your goals and what realistic steps you need to take to achieve them in the new year.

Mercury: Mercury is also in serious Capricorn 13th December – January 2nd, 2022 making conversations practical, to the point, and meaningful.

Venus: Planet of love and values, Venus, is still in shrewd and practical Capricorn until March 2022; Venus usually moves faster but due to its retrograde it will remain in the same sign for a little longer. Venus retrograde doesn’t receive the hype Mercury retrograde does perhaps because Mercury rules communication, so things going awry with our conversations is a little more troublesome. With Venus, it’s a chance to reassess our values and relationships. Sure, the retrograde rule is “don’t start something new” but life is unpredictable and that isn’t to say a haircut or a relationship in a Venus retrograde is doomed – just be mindful.

Mars: Warrior planet Mars is in Sagittarius until January 2022, bringing a little fire to the overall astrological energy, ensuring we don’t get too stuck in all this Capricorn Earth energy. We might find some resistance as Mars in Sagittarius wants us to loosen up and party but Mercury, Venus and the Sun aren’t interested so see if you can find a balance that works for you.

This Week's Key Aspects

For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.

Jupiter Trine the Full Moon in Gemini:

The final exact square of Saturn-Uranus takes place meaning 2021’s key aspect is playing out its final part. This is the clash between the old and the new, order and chaos, and we can expect to feel that pull in ourselves and the collective. How do you want to move forward as 2021 comes to an end? Where can you have (healthy) chaos in your life – spontaneity, speaking your truth – as well as order and responsibility?

Jupiter in Pisces:

Jupiter finally lands in its home sign of Pisces from 28th December 2021 until 10th May 2022. This lovely transit blesses the collective with an abundance of spiritual healing, creativity, compassion for the self and others and generally, begins to spread peace, love, and understanding. We have a taste of this energy in the summer when Jupiter dipped into Pisces in mid-May for two months – remember how you felt at that time? What would you like to experience during the longer version of this transit?

Special Event!

The Winter Solstice which will take place on December 21st, 2021.

What is it?

The Winter Solstice is a sacred time that cultures across the world have honoured for millennia; it marks the time when the darkest night is over, and we can take baby steps towards the Spring that is to come. However, try not to rush and hope for the lighter days. Take this time to really honour the dark and the shadows. Winter isn’t celebrated in the way Summer is but it still holds extremely valuable lessons for us and it’s up to us to make the most of them.

This is a time of isolation, mentally and physically, but that doesn’t mean loneliness or sadness. We have been forced by the economic systems we live under to accept that happiness, joy, worth are about always being ‘on’. We are expected to be working, hustling, creating, and in relation with others – often thousands of others online – 24/7. This is not sustainable and it’s one of the reasons why we are experiencing catastrophic levels of mental health deterioration, leading to a phenomenon such as ‘The Great Resignation’.

Ideas to Make the Most of This Solstice

- Stay in and have a feel-good film day (or night) complete with candles, cocoa, and good food

♂ - Journal and reflect on the year gone by

♂ - Consider the ‘dark’ moments you’ve been through over the past year and acknowledge you survived

♂ - Set intentions for the year to come

♂ - Bake Christmas-themed goodies using cinnamon, spices, and all the favorites

♂ - Light a candle and meditate on how much light there is in your life, give thanks

♂ - Rest!

Have a blessed Solstice and December,



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