This Week in Astrology: April 24th-30th
Written by Mars♂, edited by Stephanie O.

Welcome to 2022’s Taurus Season! Taurus season occurs as we get into the swing of Spring; we’ve had the fiery rebirth of Aries and we are ready to start tending to our crops and putting in the hard work for the rest of the year. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so the word of this season must be: values. This energy knows what it's worth and it knows what others are worth, too. Love like a Taurus – with strength, dedication, and confidence.
Moon Phases of the Week
April 24th-26th: The Moon is in the Last Quarter phase in the sign of Aquarius on April 24th and stays here until it moves into Pisces on 26th, moving into Waning Crescent. This means we are at the end of the previous phase and may find ourselves over-stimulated, particularly at the beginning of the week as inquisitive Aquarius keeps our minds racing.
April 30th: We will welcome a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th which will sign a cleansing spotlight on whatever Taurus rules in our birth charts.
Planetary Zodiacs
Sun: The Sun is in Taurus and we are feeling invested in our investments: what resources do we have, what resources do we want, and how secure do we feel? It’s time to slow down and think about things before making commitments.
Mercury: Mercury is still in Taurus, inviting us to really think things over before we commit to a decision. We do not want to be rushed when it comes to how we communicate; if you think something is urgent, but you feel you need the time to formulate your response, just let that person know. Once you have made up your mind, it’s likely you’ve come to a considered decision and it won’t be changing.
Venus: Planet of love and values, Venus, remains in Pisces where it is romantic and expressive but we may be wearing some rose-tinted goggles when it comes to matters of the heart.
Mars: Mars is in Pisces meaning we are unshakeable in our faith; whatever it is we are working towards and what we want we will not stop until we have achieved it. Mars in Pisces maybe not be a loud Mars transit but it is one that is righteous and powerful.
Key Aspects of the Week
For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus – 30th April
Our New Moon and Solar Eclipse take place in Taurus whilst Venus meet with Jupiter and Neptune. Eclipses can be intense times but with Venus happy in Pisces and ruling the Eclipse, we may find that we experience heightened romance, luxury, and sensuality. This appears to be a beautiful and blissful New Moon but due to the intensity of the Eclipse, I would hold off on New Moon manifestations.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – 15th May
Our Lunar Eclipse takes place in stormy, intense Scorpio in the middle of May. This Eclipse will experience a transit where it squares Saturn, indicating we may feel lonelier or experience some sadness. Practice as much self-care and self-compassion as you can and remember, this too shall pass.
Mars ♂
This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ♂).
Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!
This piece was edited by our editor-in-chief, Stephanie O.