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This Week in Astrology: February 20th-26th

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Written by Mars♂, edited by Stephanie O.

Welcome to your astrological forecast! We are at the beginning of Pisces season. Pisces is the final stop of the zodiac; the empath that soaks up the energy of all the other signs and travels the astral realms. It’s time to get dreamy.

Weekly Moon Phases

The Full Moon in Leo on 16th February has been shining bright for most of the week as we enjoy the post-Full Moon and aftermath of the Full Moon glow, giving us a much-needed boost of confidence.

  • February 19-22nd: The Moon moves into Waning Gibbous on 19th February after its fullest point and will travel through the signs of Virgo and Libra, meaning we are taking a much-needed rest, particularly if we have been pushing hard with our health regimes and our career.

  • February 23rd-26th: The Last Quarter moon in Scorpio and Sagittarius lands on 23rd February giving us time to consider what must be let go or change.

Planetary Zodiacs

Sun: The Sun has just shifted into Pisces and will remain there until March 20th. Sun in Pisces is our sense of self, our ego, and Pisces is the ultimate healer, the dreamer. We want to do good in the world and we feel more empathetic than usual so see who in your community needs some help whether that be a friend, relative, or a local park.

Mercury: Planet of Communication, Mercury, is back in kooky Aquarius after its retrograde and will be there until March 9th. Bright ideas and innovation are the order of the day with a focus on the wellbeing of all, tying in nicely with Pisces season and the Piscean desire to fix all that is broken.

Venus: Planet of love and values, Venus, is still in earthy Capricorn until March 6th, 2022. Venus’ long stay in this no-nonsense sign is due to its retrograde; we’re reassessing our values and relationships. What has been coming up for you since December, particularly around your interpersonal relationships? Venus rules love, but remember, love does not only mean romantic love.

Mars: Planet of action Mars is in Capricorn until March 6th meaning we recharge through routine: review your routines, especially morning and evening rituals, to make sure they’re working for you. Venus and Mars are conjunct throughout February and both move into Aquarius on 6th March: once these two ancient lovers are in the intellectual Air sign of Aquarius, we’ll be less motivated and persuaded by practicality, and more interested in the ‘what if's', and trying new things.

Key Aspects of the Week

For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.

America’s Pluto Return, 20th February:

It’s been coming for a long time but finally, the United States of America has its Pluto Return: meaning planet of death, destruction, and transformation Pluto has returned to the place it was at the time of colonial America’s ‘birth’ 246 years ago. Pluto is shadow work, unconscious forces, and facing your demons to name just a few; America has a long way to go before it can heal from the crimes of the past and present. To purge with Pluto, one must be ready for revolution and ready to dismantle deep, structural oppressions. This desire for societal transformation is a theme we have seen internationally in recent years as people have taken to the streets demanding an end to oppression from the international Black Lives Matter, End SARS in Nigeria, Sarah Everard, and Sabina Nessa’s deaths in the UK sparking protests about police brutality against women and more. Whilst Pluto will be exact on the 20th, it will take years – decades – of activism and work for America to go through its Plutonian ‘rebirth’; however it is possible for us to rebuild a new, safer, kinder, more equal world.

Happy New Moon in Aquarius,

Mars ♂

This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ♂).

Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!

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