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This Week in Astrology: January 16th-22nd

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Written by Mars♂, edited by Stephanie O.

Welcome to your astrological forecast. We are mid-Capricorn season; a welcome, go-getting

energy that encourages us to beat the January blues through practical hard work. Capricorn

energy is parental; nurturing, encouraging order, routine, and a thorough approach when

considering our goals and ambitions. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so it’s not surprising we

may be prone to the low mood as Saturn does govern depression. Make sure to schedule in

self-care where possible.

Weekly Moon Phases

  • January 16-19th: The Full Moon lands in its home sign of Cancer on Sunday 19th January, calling us to get cozy, cook our favorites, and nurture ourselves and others.

  • January 20th-22nd: We will be in the Full Moon period until approximately Wednesday, feeling a little more outgoing and confident mid-week due to the moon shifting into fun-loving Leo before we move into the Waning Gibbous phase in Virgo. This is a week generally focused on nurture – make sure you look after yourself as well as others.

Planetary Zodiacs

Sun: The Sun is in Capricorn until January 21st and it’s a time where we are assessing our

ambitions and how we will achieve them. Soon we will welcome Aquarius, the sign of the weird, the intellectual, and the outsider so make the most of logical, rule-following Capricorn while you can.

Mercury: Mercury is in kooky Aquarius, allowing us to dive deep into philosophical discussion

– we may be more called to technological forms of communication, however, Mercury

Retrograde hit on January 13th, so take a deep breath and plan for a little chaos from 13th January to 3rd February. It might be that voice notes go to the wrong person or texts don’t

send when they should – with a little preparation beforehand, it’s nothing you can’t handle.

Venus: Planet of love and values, Venus, is still in earthy Capricorn until March 2022. Venus’ long stay in this no-nonsense sign is due to its retrograde; we’re reassessing our values and


Mars: Warrior planet Mars moves in Capricorn on the 24th of January meaning we

recharge through the routine: review your routines, especially morning and evening rituals, to make sure they’re working for you. Mars rules war and aggression; in Capricorn, it may be

slightly quieter, as Capricorn energy values plans, order, and structure. Use this to your

advantage and plan for some tricky, boundary-setting conversations you’ve been putting off.

Key Aspects of the Week

For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.

Sun Conjunct Pluto:

The Sun: the self and identity, is conjunct the planet of death, transformation, and change, so expect some of your triggers, bad habits, and subconscious beliefs to rise to the surface and challenge you. It’s ok though; you got this! This can be a great time to explore those slightly more difficult areas of life, just remember to practice self-care and not get too lost in the shadows.

Sun Opposing Moon:

We may experience some push-and-pull between a desire for independence and asserting ourselves versus our inner worlds and wanting to hideaway. The Moon is the illusion, emotions, our soul; the Sun wants to express itself loudly. Find a balance by being clear on your boundaries and honouring the time you need to decompress.

Mars ♂

This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ♂).

Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!

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