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This Week in Astrology: May 8th-14th

Writer's picture: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Mars, edited by Stephanie O.

Moon Phases of the Week

  • May 8th-11th: We begin the week with a First Quarter Moon in Leo on 8th May before moving into Waxing Gibbous in Virgo and Libra 12th May and ending with a Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on 15th May. Moon in Leo is glamour, fun, and dramatics, so enjoy a boost of confidence as we go into the new week before we really lean into the build-up to the Full Moon.

  • May 12th-14th: Waxing Gibbous in Virgo and Libra gives us time to clean house before a dramatic transformation as the Full Moon and Eclipse in Scorpio takes place.

  • May 15th: Scorpio is the sign of change and an Eclipse clears the path ahead of us so this is a powerful time in integrating past lessons and letting go.

Planetary Zodiacs

Sun: The Sun is still in Taurus until 20th May.

Mercury: Mercury is in Gemini until 22nd May: we are flighty, chatty, and eager to know everything!

Venus: Venus is in Aries from May 2nd until May 28th, giving us a Martian energy to our values and the way we love, making us more spontaneous and eager to satisfy our own desires.

Mars: Mars is still in Pisces until May 24th.

Key Aspects of the Week

For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.

Mercury Retrograde – 10th May

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini means it’s double the trouble as we have Mercury, ruler of Gemini, in their own sign but causing chaos in retrograde. Mercury Retrograde is about reflecting and slowing down, something that Gemini struggles with at the best of times. It could be aligned to take a social media or internet break and detach from the never-ending flow of information. Is your nervous system out of whack? No wonder, as we are not supposed to be able to take in, analyse, and form opinions about every single issue we are exposed to-- now more than ever. Use this retrograde energy to re-assess your relationship with gossip, information, and your online life.

Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio – 15th May

The Full Moon Eclipse is square to Saturn, one of our most serious and challenging planetary energies. This will not be easy energy to navigate and we may find that we feel triggered into reactive, emotional defensiveness as we are super sensitive. Scorpio rules trauma so it may feel like every conversation or situation we have during these few days bring this to the surface. Just take a second and pause before you react to a comment from a friend, colleague, or sibling – is it really their words you’re responding to, or is it an old trauma from the past? Noticing this is key to processing it and releasing with the Full Moon.



This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ).

Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!

This piece was edited by our editor-in-chief, Stephanie O.


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