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Welcome to the Astrology of the Week of November 15th!

Writer's picture: Stephanie Stephanie

Written by Mars

Welcome to the astrology of the week of November 15th and onwards! We are deep in spooky Scorpio season but starting to edge towards fiery, good-time Sagittarius season which lands on November 21st, 2021. Take some time this week to process any shadow work, reflections, or transformations you’ve been going through to really embed and embody this season of growth.

Weekly Moon Phases

  • October 16th-18: TThe Moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase in fiery Aries at the start of the week, making us motivated and driven, before our Full Moon in Taurus on November 19th.

  • November 19th: Full Moon in Taurus! This Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse making the cosmic energy particularly powerful and the Universe calls on us to step into the next stage of growth. Full Moon in Taurus sets the stage for grounding, putting in the practical work to achieve our goals. Self-love and luxury are Taurean territory so invest in you and celebrate all the achievements you’ve made this year.

Planetary Zodiacs

Sun: in transformative Scorpio until November 21st; we are eager to find the truth in ourselves, others, the world, and demand honesty, even if it might hurt. However, the Sun will shortly move into Sagittarius. We will find ourselves still called to discover truths but might become transfixed with our own opinion and prone to self-righteousness - try and step back from egocentric thinking patterns.

Mercury: remains in Scorpio until November 24th, adding an air of intensity and passion to our communications. Mercury loves to collect and analyze data which is Scorpio’s sweet spot – just try not to get lost in looking for secrets when there’s life to be lived outside of the shadows. Planet of love and values,

Venus: is now in shrewd and practical Capricorn until March 2022. We are serious about our values, finances, and our interpersonal relationships, wanting to make our goals a reality.

Mars is in its traditional home sign of Scorpio until December 13th allowing us to express our deep, most vulnerable emotions, keen to transform and evolve. Be wary of rushing to the ‘darker’ side of things as we may be motivated to do so; remain self-reflective so you can channel your passions into self-care, love, and art.

Mercury in Libra: Mercury retrograde finally ended on October 18th and this trickster planet is still in Libra until 5th November. Now we are out of retrograde, communication has the capacity to be fair, balanced, and equal.

Venus in Sagittarius: Planet of love and values, Venus, is in witty, flighty Sagittarius until 5th November: we are craving freedom, whether that be physical freedom and travel, or freedom of thought. Sharing our knowledge and philosophies with others feels good and helps us connect.

Mars in Libra, then Scorpio: Warrior planet Mars is in Libra until October 30th making us possibly a little more placid, but once Mars is in one of its home signs – Scorpio – on October 30th we risk being consumed by overwhelming, deep feelings. Be sure to tune in to your body and be mindful of your actions, ensuring you are expressing those deep and beautiful emotions with compassion, and not compulsion.

Key Aspects of the Week

For those who don't know: aspects are angles that determine how each planet's energies react with another planet's. They can affect an overall chart's meaning by giving more insight into how that planet behaves under its current zodiac sign.

Saturn-Uranus Square:

The final exact square of Saturn-Uranus takes place meaning 2021’s key aspect is playing out its final part. This is the clash between the old and the new, order and chaos, and we can expect to feel that pull in ourselves and the collective. How do you want to move forward as 2021 comes to an end? Where can you have (healthy) chaos in your life – spontaneity, speaking your truth – as well as order and responsibility?

Mars and Mercury conjunct:

As the planet of trickery and communication lines up with the planet of war and drive, in Scorpio nonetheless, we are full of energy, curiosity and unlikely to ‘let things go’. Scorpio likes to cling on even when it’s healthier to move on; this emotional, loyal sign – ruled by Pluto in modern astrology – struggles when it comes to accepting something is done for good. Scorpio in Mercury and Mars suggests we may become compulsive in our thoughts, mindsets, and ambitions. Boundaries are important but we must allow for flexibility and diversity in our boundaries; they are not to be rigid, controlling rules. Be mindful of that this week.

Happy Full Moon,


This piece was written by our astrology columnist (Mars ).

Reach them at @marsbarsandstars on Instagram!


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