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Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

Written by Carmen X, @animagebook, our poetry writer, and edited by Lilah, @lilahwilliamss, one of our editors!

INT. CAFÉ - DAY It is busy inside. At a table in the corner there, YOU and ME.

YOU (sitting down, cups in hand) A good cup of coffee is good to just about anyone. Doesn’t matter if you’re an asshole saint fuck up mother racist piece of shit cop pig writer or whatever. It’s good to you no matter what you are. It’s beyond good and evil in that sense.

YOU still set the cups down. One for ME and one for YOU.

ME I–okay. So what am I supposed to get from that.

YOU shrug.

YOU Don’t think yourself so special. I guess.

No real expression on my face. I drink the coffee.

YOU Good?

ME (nodding) Bitter.



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