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First Dewdrops Of Spring

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Willow, one of our poetry writers, and edited by Udita, one of our editors!

For Naomi Ong

To the restless chime

of undead bells, do I proclaim

benedictions for a nation of dogs

their tongues lolling

as paper camellias do

heart in mouths,

muttering about starry gleefulness

love is an obscure language

spoken only by capricious fireflies

in the midst of callow blizzards

& the city will capture

these midnight fevers

imprint them in maroon envelopes:

a wishful eternalist’s garden of tulips

Look how the towers wink,

teaching springtime rabbits

of Maypole dances,

of what it feels like to revel among clouds

now, those amorous teachings

have become nocturnal merrymakers


& frolicking,

under a Pink Moon

until enigmatic crystal ball visions

become as joyous as sylphs

perhaps, one day,

on a less languorous dawn,

can we decipher the crooning messages

of first dew on thawing spring fields


This piece was written by one of our poetry columnists, Willow. Reach them at @oldmanheart, on Instagram!

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Udita. Reach them at @wilde_woolf on Instagram.

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