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Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Samuel Michael, a guest submitter, and edited by Samantha, one of our guest editors!

I did not use to, but now I flaming care,

So I want to put this to you, and you out there

And to all you whose words kick me in the gut and wait for any dare

To all you who type hateful things and widely share

And all you who do nothing but weirdly stare

I'm not a Marvel superhero, I'm only human

If hurtful words make me break down and cry, I'm only human

If I've tried not to let your comments get to me, and I slip, I'm only human

If I can't change things overnight, I'm only human

If I don't have the ability to look the way you want, it's because I'm only human

You say I have big eyes, my alias for you is Bugsy

You say I have big thighs, without makeup I'm ugly

You say I eat each time, girl you look so bulky

Who told you you were fine, isn't that what you asked me

Girl you don't look healthy, you drink too much coffee

Girl work out steady, you do have a fat body

You say my legs are huge, girl where are your boobs

You say I'm losing weight too, you need to eat some food

What you want me to do, you get me so confused

You say I'm disgusting, that's why I'm still single

You say I'll die alone, I heard it, my ears tingled

Girl look in the mirror, I’m sure no one wants that

You say that I'm no hero, I'm just a little brat

I often wet my pillow, you hope my ED come back

Would you have said those if you'd known I was a sentient being

Would you have said those if you'd known I had fragile emotions I feel

Whatever will I do to make you see

That I on many nights cry myself to sleep

Because you plant the blues in me like a farmer plants seeds

The memory of your social media hate comments

Has brought to me nothing but grave torment

It’s made my heart make a dramatic plummet

My head feels hotter than a scorching bonnet

I feel pain like I've been stung by the wickedest hornet

I always wonder what you expect to gain

From causing me this agony, heartache, and pain

You bully me and call me many a name

How'd you feel if others did you exactly the same

Would it take that for your wild mouth to tame

Cut me some slack, I'm only human

Only vulnerable flesh and blood, born of a woman

Was I wrong thinking we were all fam

Has trolling me all along been your core plan

Just know I didn't make myself the way I am

I'm just the way God decided to make Man

If only I had the magical flair

I'd change things up here and there

To achieve perfection solely at your behest

But there isn't a perfect body, or is there

There isn't a perfect shape, colour or hair

For the love of sovereign God

Don't judge me before you get to know me

For my different-looking bod

Don't put the blame on me

Don't make me feel I'm one fry short of a Happy Meal

Don't be bent on ruining the self-love I feel

Don't splay a blanket over yours

And then talk about my own flaws

I have insecurities, I think you do too

There's no perfect macaw, and no perfect ewe

There's no normal body, I hope you get it soon

You set beauty standards

And hope that makes one standout

Why don't you normalize difference

Our faces are not all the same, so are our interests

Why don't you stop making illogical inferences

Some people are tall

Others are thin

Some people are small

Others are thick

You can't be me

I can't be you

I want to be free

And so do you

To drive home this candid expression

I want to ask just a quick question

Aren't we in life all struggling

Aren't we seeking happiness and warm cuddling

Since no one knows their tomorrow or fate

Why don't you stop this commotion and hate

We all can't look the same, like it or not

Somewhere in your brain, give this a thought


This piece was a guest submission from Samuel Michael. Samuel Chiemezie Michael is a Nigerian writer, teacher, environmentalist, and human rights activist. He writes contemporary and literary fiction, essays, short stories, and poems. He has a BA in English and Literature from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria. He is a member of the Creative Writers' Association of Nigeria (CWAN). He has literary works published on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, and others. His works include "PROFESSOR EDNA", "WHAT IS LOVE" and "LOVE BITE". He writes basically to bring social reform. He hopes to make the world a better place using the power of the "pen" because he believes "the pen is mightier than the sword". When he is not writing, he is playing music, doing research, or just sitting outside, imagining and staring at the moon.

Reach him on:

Twitter: @SamuelCMichael

Instagram: @samuel_chiemezie_michae

This piece was edited by one of our guest editors, Samantha. Reach them at @AothenMagazine on Twitter!

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