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Legends: Prologue and Summary

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

An ongoing fictitious novel series.

Written by Ash, a guest writer.

Trigger/Content Warnings: drug addict mentions, child abuse/abuse, suicide mentions

Mistakes are a part of life. If you don't make any, you aren't living.


The plot is full of twists and turns, backtracking, love, hate, and much more. Lost family is found and ripped away. Life-changing decisions rise to the surface of the sea of answers. Questions lead to decisions that lead to consequences that bite Astrid in the ass in the end. This teen has been through hell and back with someone by her side. This time, she’ll have to go back to hell and show someone to their place. Will she forgive them? Will she live? Who knows. You’ll have to finish the story to find out! Hope y’all like it!


‘Sup guys, I'm Astrid, and here’s my fucked up life.

Okay, so let's start with the basics.

My name is Astrid Caddel. . . or at least that’s the name I go by now ‘cause I hate my legal name. I’m currently 15 and a half, and have been living it up for the past 3ish years in the largest city in the US; New York City. Truth is, I’m not a native New Yorker. I’m from the golden state, California, but no one knows that, meaning I don’t ever tell anyone. Other than that, my life isn’t half bad. I snowboard in the winter, and horseback ride year-round. Every once in a while I’ll compete in one of these activities, but most of the time I do them for fun with some friends. I’m a senior attending Belmore High School, and didn’t do middle school, ‘cause why not. To make the age gap worse, I skipped my sophomore year. I was gonna be the youngest in my year anyway, so what's the harm?

Surprisingly, I also live alone, ‘cause fuck parents. My parents are currently spending time in jail for physical and emotional abuse, drunk driving, and a variety of overdue payments. On top of that, they were drug addicts and assholes in general. They hated me because I’m a freak (according to my father, I still am one). My mother is better though. She is starting to accept me, and it’s nice. Sadly (but not so much), my father still can’t change and get up off his ass, which is normal in my case. I’m also a single pringle, ‘cause love doesn’t like me. I’m a 5’3” bisexual woman with trust issues that like girls more, but can’t seem to find someone to like me. Whenever I do, it never works out because I'm too “complicated” (assholes).

While we’re on the topic of family, why don’t I introduce my family? Or at least what's left of it. What I mean is, I’ve lost lots of the people closest to me and I’m trying to hang on to what's left. In the last decade, I’ve lost 3 of the most important people in my life. First, were my grandparents. My grandfather was a world-renowned scientist who died of heart problems when I was 8. My grandmother, on the other hand, was a police officer who was shot on the field when I was 13. Then, there’s my older brother, Tyler. Unfortunately, I lost him because he committed suicide when I was 11 ½. The only survivor of my family is my little brother, Liam. Then again, he’s in the foster system because of court. I’m waiting till I’m 18 to get custody of him.

Oh, also, I ain’t normal. From what I’ve said, you probably think I’m a hella smart teenager who is going to get into Harvard. I mean, I wish I could go to Harvard, or even a medical school- but that's beside the point. I mean not normal as in not human, at least I don’t think so. I’m a species I call: Legends.

Hear me out before you make your opinions. I know what you're thinking; “Legends, that's not even a thing” or “Legends? As in, the Greek Gods?” Well no, not like the Greek Gods, but much more powerful. Currently, I have 8 powers, and still don’t know how many more I'm going to get. I have telepathy, wings, teleportation, black fire, white ice, shapeshifting, healing, and my most recent power, something I call shield.

It may sound a little stupid but just listen. My powers are split into 3 categories. Dark, light, and gray powers, which are essentially powers that are neither light nor dark. I have about 3 powers per category and don’t know how many more are to come. My dark and light powers are controlled by spirits; a demon for dark and an angel for light. My demon controls my black fire and shapeshifting. Her name’s Arrow. My angel's name is Ace, and he controls my light powers which are white ice, healing, and shield. During a crisis, depending on the situation, I can let one of them take control, but the downside is that I’m exhausted afterward, and I’m only able to use that category of powers and my gray powers. On top of that, only I can see and hear them. They both have taught me all I know about my powers and showed me how to use them safely.

My gray powers are telepathy, wings, and teleportation. I can control all of my powers in my normal form, but only up to a certain limit. With ice and fire, if I use it too much I can get hypothermia or hyperthermia and/or heat strokes. With any of my other powers, if I use it too much I either get a major headache or I'm exhausted after. (I have passed out from overexertion before too.) There is a chance I could die too, but I haven’t tried going that far yet because that’s stupid. As a kid, I got a new power every 2 years. Once I turned 10 though, I started getting a new power every year and a half. I just recently got another power at 15 and a half, meaning my next power will most likely come at 17.

Not many people know that I’m a legend, but the people who do, I trust with my life, I consider them my family. First, there is Haven and Kija who are like the parents of the group. Haven is a geologist, and Kija is a children psychologist.

Next, Pierce and Athena. Pierce was my brother's best friend, and now he’s like a brother to me, but more protective now since Tyler died. He works at Sweet America with his mother. There’s also Athena. Out of all of us, she’s the smart one. She’s majoring in Architecture at NYU. Both Kija and Haven are dating and Athena and Pierce are dating.

Then there’s our spirit, Leo. He’s a chaotic, dorky mechanic who fixes our cars. This is why I say he is our spirit.

Then, there’s the pretty one out of all of us, Pepper. She is a model for Ford Models; aka the best modeling company in all of North America. She’s like the sister I never had. Great fashion tips, great advice, super easy to talk to, and she’s lesbian so we get each other when it comes to love. (And no, we aren’t gonna date because we’re not each other's types.)

It is said that in every family, there is always one gay member, but in this family, it’s the one gay couple. Will and Niccòlo (Nico) are my OTP. Will is like the laid-back sibling. He’s also a doctor. Nico is my brother from another mother. He’s my snowboarding buddy and he’s also a tattoo artist too.

Finally, last but not least, my best friend, Jacob. He works at an amazing coffee shop. He’s my horseback riding buddy. I met him in middle school, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. He was (and still is) the first outsider to learn about my secret. It was by accident, but he’s kept his mouth shut, which is good.

All of them say that I'm like the little sister of the group. (To be honest, that’s kinda true. Although, they all know perfectly well that I’m a hundred times stronger than any of them.) Half the time they take care of me. Before my brother died, everyone (except Jacob) said they all swore a pact saying that all of them would protect me and have kept it up until the one day; the one day that I showed the whole world what I truly am, and no one was able to stop me.






About the Author:

Hey, I’m Ash! I’m a freshman in high school and currently writing a book. I started in mid-February of 2021 with the help of some good friends of mine. I got the inspiration from past memories and a few other books I have read, including Percy Jackson (specifically the Heroes of Olympus). A chapter will be uploaded every two weeks.

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