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Lullaby For Wild Children

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Written by Willow, one of our poetry writers, and edited by Udita, one of our editors!

Epiphanies are creatures of the night

where fossilized sailors haunt

dogs stare at the shriveling moon,

with glazed eyes & yet somehow

we manage to find nuggets

of rose quartz, cradled by rocks

tonight, one prayer I say will be to you:

pull me away from the edge

of the fireflies’ favorite theater,

the streetlamp, that picks out

with a gentle giant’s fingers,

boyish skateboard-wielding thieves

even at midnight as birds become senile,

careful not to wake the woody monsters,

let us shout, from the top

of a neon-lit grocer’s, our lantern nocturnes


This piece was written by one of our poetry columnists, Willow. Reach them at @oldmanheart, on Instagram!

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Udita. Reach them at @wilde_woolf on Instagram.

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