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November/December Advice Column

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

Written by Anam Tariq, one of our literature writers, and edited by Greg Tomaini, one of our editors!

Since November is the National Novel Writing Month, also called NaNoWriMo, I’ve come across a bunch of questions on social media which all amount to more or less this: "Losing motivation to write. How do I motivate myself to write or how do I write more?” Here I will provide an answer to this question. I will provide a few tips which will hopefully prompt you to write and you won’t feel overwhelmed by the very task of writing. 

It’s funny how while I am not myself feeling motivated to write these days, I am helping you find inspiration. But then I guess since I am experiencing this myself and endeavouring to come out of it, I am better equipped to suggest you ways to overcome such writer’s block.

Below are some tricks that are personally tried and tested and proven to be effective injections to boost your writing strength. I believe that these tips apply to all kinds of writers from poets to non-fiction writers to content writers as well; also to writers at different stages of their writing journey.

1. Read

Read novels, short fiction, and poetry for ideas and read books on the art of writing for honing your skills. I will give some suggested readings at the end, do check them out. 

Read to refresh your brain. When you get tired of thinking and brainstorming, take a reading break and later return to your piece with a much more healthy and refreshed mind brimming with words. 

2. Write your heart out

Write whatever comes to your mind. Words, emotions, musings, phrases. Maybe later these randoms click, become coherent, and could be used up to make something usable. 

Practice, practice, and practice. Don’t worry about writing being bad. Just try to finish your piece, you can polish it later. It is through the bad pieces that you get to the good ones, Olivia Rodrigo once said. 

3. Don’t give up

If you feel discouraged due to some reason, if you even think that you are not a good enough writer, don’t give up writing if you are really passionate about it. Don’t get swept over by criticism or rejections. If your writing has been appreciated by some at least, persist.

4.  Write reviews 

When you are stuck, I believe it’s a good idea to find your momentum through writing book reviews or movie/series reviews. They are easier to write in my opinion, you have material to work with, and things to talk about. Do it for practice and to get started.

5. Hop on to “the mood”

Whenever you are in the mood, do write. Don’t let the moment of inspiration go. 

Also, jot down words, phrases, ideas, metaphors, or sentences whenever they hit your brain otherwise you later forget them. Most of the times these notes turn out to be really helpful when you have to complete a piece of yours. 

6. Stride outside

Take inspiration from the outside world. Observe and then write about it. I have benefitted from it personally.

7. Search your life for subject matter

Recall any incident from your own life and build a story around it. It may be easier for you to talk about your life incidents and your pen may flow more smoothly there. It does for me though. They are great materials to begin with. You could perhaps end up with a voluminous manuscript.

8. Join writing workshops

You can try writing workshops. They could get you writing or give you pointers or techniques to enhance your writing skills. I’ve myself written poems in workshops. 

9. Prioritise writing

Get some silent, leisure hours for writing. If you are busy with other tasks and chores, you won’t be able to get time to write. Try to make time and specifically set aside some hours dedicated to the task of writing so that you can use that time to concentrate solely on it. Also, you might want silence in order to focus and write better. Prioritise writing over other distractions like watching movies/series or surfing social media.

10. Get published, get motivated 

Try to get your existing works published in literary magazines or other places. It gives you the required confidence and boost to produce even greater work. But that does not require you to be published in the top-tier mags. You can go for tier 2 or 3 lit. mags. too. 

I hope that now you would be excited enough to pick up the pen. And once you get in the momentum to write, don’t stop. Make the most of the productive days, when you’re in the zone. I’ve read that the act of writing is inspiring in itself. Below are more suggested readings which will guide you. 

Further resources

1. “NaNoWriMo Q&A: ‘It will teach you a lot about yourself as a writer’”

2. “14 Writing Tips for Beginners from a Self-Taught Poet” by Anam Tariq

3. “Rejection Therapy” by Anam Tariq

4. Daily Rituals: How Artists Work and its sequel Daily Rituals: Women at Work by Mason Currey 

5. A Swim in a Pond in the Rain by George Saunders

6. Letters to a Young Writer by Colum McCann 

7. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott


This piece was written by one of our advice column writers, Anam. Reach her at @anam.tariq_ on Instagram!

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Greg! Reach him at @Gtomaini on Instagram and Twitter!


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