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The Cynic and The Stoic

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie

Written by Faye, one of our literature and poetry writers, and edited by Amber, one of our editors!

Stained mirrors with a mouldy frame,

Cynicism stands before me.

A lover I seek,

But cynicism lies there whispering:

He is better off without me

Perhaps I should live with a stoic.

Past the cottage, he bows down to my pain and fury;

For lust with no trust, I expect, but he promises loyalty.

He strikes a heavenly deal,

I must climb from six-feet deep underneath.

Two become one, little hearts on a gold wax seal.

Standing before him is I.

A cynic held captive in the sinful eyes of worry,

Where my stained glass mirrors stood

With splinters impaled from when I mouthed sorry.

Vulnerable to the touch,

Abhorrent to see.

He then begs the question,

Will you marry me?


This piece was written by one of our literature and poetry, Faye. Reach them at @leokenella on Instagram.

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Amber. Reach them at @spaldingamber on Instagram and @spaldingamber on Twitter.

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