Unrequited - A Micro-Chapbook
Updated: Nov 7, 2023
A guest submission written by Revika Sangamita and edited by Stephanie O., our editor-in-chief!
TW: Mentions of mental illness, suicidal thoughts and death
To Dante,
Thank you for your love in whatever form it was

Our Broken Ends
When your words solicited my heart,
I left the parts on my way.
Aversion for aaram has been up
since that day.
You know the lights,
And I know the darks,
Still we can't be complete
because none of "us" is ours.
Why the pictures look away from my eyes,
Why the rivers of our tears together is upside,
Why this poet dies each second
But still without you is alive?
Aaram* - comfort
I Lived A Little
When the moons lit around my galaxy
When you made it all so serene
That meteoroids stopped
wrestling with the earth
I breathed up high
floating in the dark
Tasting the love
for the very first time
And I knew then that
Your face is the only frame
I would hang on the wall of my heart.
Did you know, dear?
I lived a little with you.
If It were Only Us
If I would write all that I have for you
we'd be left behind on this planet,
And the intergalactic spaces wouldn’t
hesitate to dismiss my sappy words.
Though we would've traveled there
just if our hands were gripped together
for a little longer, a little for the beyond.
If I would write all that I wanted to say,
Scared to pass the scars I never ought to give. Your blood rush seems to hate me even when you don't —
When you entered my panic room,
I banished the dark behind curtains
So nothing could reach you, I'd keep you safe. Simply letting you go like a stream
made the ocean lighter, but old knickpoints
just hurt the same, dear.
This Side of Love Turmoil
You still appear the first name on my friend list
It's because of your username and I'm not saying
I would've removed it when you left the other side
Of that trembling thread we were holding, firmly
I still have it in my hand, I still have my side that
Burns from liquorice which poured from within
Breaking further the cracks of wall that stood still,
I saw your profile every other day, It's been long
With our words being exchanged and I've written
Thousands in your name, willing to write million more
But when I read yours in a sudden arch,
It opens the weaving pain painting the pictures of unknown
vividly drawing out red from my blood, ash black from heart
My eyes drop by seeing the familiar style of your words,
And not to be mistaken, or be in an illusion once again
Your long texts this time weren't for me, I wonder if
you miss this part we shared like I do, not the feelings
not the turmoil entering our door, just you and me
Like that sweet song you shared long ago, do you still mean it?
I've become a vegetable already, you know and I'm yet
To start antidepressants, the pills to make that heart live
that once fluttered deliberately.
Desserts and Ache
I scribble away my heart
Like a shattered tale of Tiramisu
Yes, the taste of this heavenly baked dessert
Lies at the outskirts of this foolish truth.
I lag behind a little and I am jeopardized
By the succession lingering on the devil's tooth.
What else would be my name?
Where else the serenity would be if not in pain?
Like a thumbnail pressed on the wooden ache
I slowly slip out the emotions of longitude love
And a sickening heart safely beneath the stains.
Crippling cold underneath my flesh,
And death popping out today like a cat
Whimpering the loudest music of the last,
In the cutted leathers of cruel misery knees bleed through the jeans of dreams
That have faded over the fire of stars
I speak my way in the impeccable sky
I speak my words woven in the night I lied all my life, today lie on this ground Laying in the shadow of tears, somewhere
Under the stones of rocky hills, close to you
But far away from me, I decide in a beat
That I won't die like this, letting the numbness
Accompany this dreadful soul in threads
Oh I mumble back, I am with me only.
Your Hands were a Shrine Once
Your hands were a shrine once
That I used to preach
They smelled like bushes
Ecstatic air and dream beach I carried them closely
They consoled, they behold
But now it seems like they only hurt I have stopped myself
From touching those fingers I have refrained my heart
from longing for them.
And I know you'd say
I have never touched you.
But believe me dear in this distance you've always touched me.
It's a farewell today
Between your warmth and this soul I am reminded of the days
I trimmed my nails short
So even in my mind
I never bestow a scratch upon you.
"How long will I go without you?",
Something I used to ask a lot. But from your hands today, I've learnt
one thing dear
To always hold mine.
When Acceptance Takes Place
I turned a blessing into a curse,
to my pursed lips of the soul
It aches ashes to breathe the blues,
So when I avoided your hand I lost mine too.
We were broken when we had everything dear, I don't want to answer what we are now, Tears are poetic enough to drift us apart.
Flowers pressed between your favorite book I carried
them for you once,
But it was long gone when I discovered
There are things that can be recovered I lost the rejoice of our small reunion that day
Earth mingled between our feet
And the fleeting highs of drought grounds
Flickered from our stains.
Let's live our pain dear
Not to measure who is more broken
But to be the ones that heal.
Thanking The Graveyard Zine for featuring 'Our Broken Ends' in their Issue 03: The Muses of Tragedy and Outlander Zine for featuring 'Desserts and Ache' on their website.
About the Poet
Revika Sangamita (she/they) is weaving her portrait of being a queer poet, storyteller and artist while residing amidst New Delhi, India. As a kid, after discovering that 'Fiction' is a (very) different concept from 'Fractions' from their beloved elder sister, she was way overjoyed and felt like celebrating. From writing diaries, they started embracing their mental health issues, social perspectives, healing, hope, grief and all kinds of love through poetry. While bustling in the metro for her survival, she likes to scroll webtoon and listen to drama & anime original soundtracks.
She has worked as a staff poet at Outlander Zine. Their work has been featured in Live Wire India, Bloom Magazine, Graveyard Zine, Evoke & Echo Literary Magazine, Querencia Press, The Global Youth Review and several anthologies. Unrequited is her first micro chapbook. Their debut poetry collection 'Grief and Other Flowers' is soon coming to life. One can find her on Instagram @revikasangamita or via email at itsrevika@gmail.com.
This piece was edited by our editor-in-chief, Stephanie O.
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