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Why are you so angry?

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Guest submission from Reece Wright. Edited by A. Ni.

“Little sister,” he said, “Why are you so angry?”

Because you’re never here anymore

Because I’m jealous of your happiness

Because you no longer call me

Because you no longer answer my texts

Because now you have a family and I’m not in it

Because you always come back like nothing happened

Because I’m not allowed to do what you are

Because I’m still a child in your eyes

Because I’m still young and you’re not

Because you forgot my birthday

Because you have no limits

Because you pretend I don’t exist

Because I miss having a sibling

Because you’re a liar

Because I hate you

Because I love you

Because you’ve stopped loving me.


Reece Wright is an African-American High School student from Fort Worth, Texas. She enjoys writing about topics that have power and purpose and can leave an impact on people. Reece began pursuing theater and took an interest in writing while attending the Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts. She hopes that her literary contributions will inspire youth and young adults to open their minds to limitless possibilities. Reach her at @cami.wrighttt.

This piece was edited by one of our regular staff editors, A. Ni. Reach them at @lukareyknees

This is a guest submission. If you'd like your work featured on our website, please contact for further information.

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