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You Fed Dirt to a Hungry Angel

Writer: Stephanie Stephanie
Written by Cailey Tin, one of our poetry writers, and edited by Shraddha, one of our editors!

The soot under your eyes, and your clay-like cheeks

can molt like snakeskin, but the slits of your tongue tasted

aroma, and its venom startles my body

and shakes it more than any earthquake could

or anything earthly at all anything on the ground

But hasn’t the sky been my hideaway for centuries

and have I not filled my stomach with the exosphere

for decades, until you hauled me down to taste

the real food You said, “Eat up, sky being

you craving, once winged, fallen thing,

this is a feast from your earthly provider…”

Then afterwards you hissed that there are letters beneath my teeth

in razor-sharp fonts You can read them when I

chew with teeth or swallow the atmosphere with tongue

even before the words are spat out loud

But here is a challenge proposed by this wingless

bird, your croaky parrot that gracelessly crumpled

from the sky, falling throat-first, I say;

Predict what I’m about to say from here and on

to spare me my spit, to redeem my retorts

Please, don’t be agape, you strong, pointy jaw

don’t you know that the dull ones can cut more

swiftly, when pressured, because what is a diamond girl

if the diamond isn’t pressured the hell out of her

Some of us take millions of years to materialize

to be nutritiously brimfull, to be exotically enough

Yet between my teeth, there are no gaps with food

from the last meal, no space for complacency

Everything written in these shiny, starving pearly whites,

Feed it as you read my words beneath the gleam

to save time, since saliva is sparse; plus I wouldn’t have

to speak not out loud, and isn’t that what you

topsoils and gem cutters always wanted?


This piece was written by one of our poetry columnists, Cailey. Reach 'em at @cailey.tarriane on Instagram!

This piece was edited by one of our editors, Shraddha. Reach 'em at @shraddhagulati_ on Instagram!

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